From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy

Survey of the prevalence of vegetarian diets linked to sports & physical exercise
among Austrian pupils, teachers and principals of secondary levels I and II

Join us in the Austria-wide school study!

From Science 2 School is the first study in which a scale of movement patterns are linked to various diets (traditional, current trends) in the school context.

In order to make informed statements, a large number of subjects are needed.

Through an online survey, this Austria-wide school study will be available to all pupils, teachers, and principals of secondary levels I and II. The survey will examine the topics of sports & physical exercise, diet, and health.
Therefore, we would like to kindly invite all pupils, teachers, and principals of secondary levels I and II in Austria to participate!

Be part of it!

In Austria, approximately 2,680 schools operate at secondary level I and/or II with approximately 771,500 pupils and 89,240 teachers/principals.

For this school-study to obtain meaningful results and to be carried out successfully, it is very important that all possible pupils, teachers, and principals participate.

Let’s reach for the stars together and set a milestone: every individual counts!
Be there, join us, and many thanks!


From Science 2 School will be through the University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (PHT – Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol) in the area of Sport Didactics/Sport Pedagogy as a didactic research project carried out at the Department of Subject Didactics and Educational Research and Development (expert team: „Physcial Activity, Sports & Health“). This Austria-wide school study is funded by the Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF), supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF – Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Abteilung I/7 – Schul- und Universitätssport), and approved by all 9 Austrian Federal Education Authorities (Bildungsdirektionen).

This interdisciplinary project (Sports Science, Nutrition Science) is the first study to survey the prevalence of different diets linked to sports & physical exercise in the school context.

(1) Bentham J, et al.; NCD Risk Factor Collabortion (NCD-RisC) (2017) Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. The Lancet, 390(10113):2627-2642.
(2) BMG –Bundesministerium für Gesundheit; Griebler R, Winkler P, Bengough T (2016) Österreichischer Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitsbericht. Ergebnisbericht: 67-68, 71, 78-79.
(3) BMG – Bundesministerium für Gesundheit; Ramelow D, Teutsch F, Hofmann F, Felder-Puig R; Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Health Promotion Research (2015) Gesundheit und Gesundheitsverhalten von österreichischen Schülern und Schülerinnen. Ergebnisse des WHO-HBSC-Survey 2014: 7-8, 10-11.
(4) Lehrplan AHS Unterstufe (Sekundarstufe I) (AHS, 2018a). Anlage A: Erster Teil. Allgemeines Bildungsziel, Punkt 5. Bildungsbereiche. Gesundheit und Bewegung: 10; Sechster Teil. Lehrpläne der einzelnen Unterrichtsgegenstände. Pflichtgegenstand Bewegung und Sport. Beiträge zu Bildungsbereichen: 111., (9. 1. 2018).
(5) Lehrplan AHS Oberstufe (Sekundarstufe II) (AHS, 2018b). Anlage D: Erster Teil. Allgemeines Bildungsziel, Punkt 5. Bildungsbereiche. Gesundheit und Bewegung: 10; Sechster Teil. Lehrpläne der einzelnen Unterrichtsgegenstände. Pflichtgegenstand Bewegung und Sport. Beiträge zu Bildungsbereichen: 115., (9. 1. 2018).
(6) Lehrplan der Neuen Mittelschule (NMS, 2018). Anlage 1: Erster Teil. Allgemeines Bildungsziel, Punkt 5. Bildungsbereiche. Gesundheit und Bewegung: 5; Sechster Teil. Lehrpläne der einzelnen Unterrichtsgegenstände. Pflichtgegenstand Bewegung und Sport. Beiträge zu Bildungsbereichen: 102., (9. 1. 2018).



  • Tanous DR, Ruedl G, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer KC (2024) Secondary School Randomized Controlled Interventions with a Minimum Dual Approach to Health and the links to BMI in Pupils: A PRISMA Study within the Project FROM SCIENCE 2 SCHOOL. In: Davison RCR, Tsolakidis E, Thompson JL, Ferrauti A, Piacentini MF (eds., 2024). 29st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. ECSS 2024, 2-5 July 2024, Glasgow – Scotland, UK. Book of Abstracts. Oral Presentation. Session: OP-MH34 School based exercise interventions: p. 484

  • Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Gutmann N, Hoppichler F, Drenowatz D, Cocca A, Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer G, Ruedl G, Kirschner W, Wirnitzer KC (2024) From Science 2 School – Eine Studie zum Ernährungs- und Bewegungsverhalten österreichischer Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen/Schulleiter*innen. Ernährungs Umschau 2024; 71(5): 34–44. DOI: 10.4455/eu.2024.012.

  • Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Gutmann N, Hoppichler F, Drenowatz D, Cocca A, Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer G, Ruedl G, Kirschner W, Wirnitzer KC (2024) From Science 2 School – A study on the diet and exercise behaviour of Austrian students and teachers/school principals. Ernährungs Umschau 2024; 71(5): 34–44. DOI: 10.4455/eu.2024.012.
  • Troppe I, Tanous DR, Wirnitzer KC (2024) Bewegung & Sport im Lead der schulischen Gesundheitsförderung – Ein systematischer Review der Primarstufen-Curricula in der D-A-CH Region im Kontext des Pflichtfächerkanons. Bewegung & Sport – Die Fachzeitschrift für den Unterricht in Schulen, Kindergärten und Vereinen, Themenheft 02/2024 “Gesund sein, glücklich sein”, pp. 7-12; ungekürzte Vollversion, sowie Masterarbeit gesamt oder via Bibliothek der PHT.
  • Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Hoppichler F, Wirnitzer KC (2023) From Science 2 School – Österreichweite Schulstudie zum Zusammenhang von pflanzlichen Ernährungsformen und Bewegungsverhalten unter Sekundarstufenschüler*innen. Proceedings of ÖGPH – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health 2023. Gesundheitswesen, Oktober 2023; 85(S 04): S241-S242. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1773696.

  • Wirnitzer KC (2023) SCHOOL4euHEALTH. SCHOOL 4 better EUropean Public HEALTH – Tapping the Curricular Health Potential by EU Nations’ State. Keynote. 21. June 2023, 10-11 am. 5th International Workshop “Time Studies in Childhood and Youth”, 20th & 21th June 2023, Universitat Valencia, Facultat de Ciencies Sociales, Spain:

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2023) Sport und Veggie: Basics, Vorteile und wie es richtig klappt! (Teil 3). Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 9.45-10.30 Uhr & 12.45-13.30 Uhr. PTS-Wissenschaftswoche (12. – 16. Juni 2023), BMBWF. Zoom-Event österreichweit.

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2023) Gesunde Ernährung is(s)t cool für Klima und Sport! (Teil 2). Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 9-9.45 Uhr & 12-12.45 Uhr. PTS-Wissenschaftswoche (12. – 16. Juni 2023), BMBWF. Zoom-Event österreichweit.

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2023) Basics für Dein Fitnesstraining: Kraft und Ausdauer (Teil 1). Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 8.15-9 Uhr & 11.15-12 Uhr. PTS-Wissenschaftswoche (12. – 16. Juni 2023), BMBWF. Zoom-Event österreichweit.

  • Wirnitzer KC, Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Hoppichler F (2023) From Science 2 School – Österreichweite Schulstudie zum Zusammenhang von pflanzlichen Ernährungsformen und Bewegungsverhalten bei Sekundarstufenpädagog*innen; Abstract 6. In: Fasching P, Traub J, Clemens P (eds.) Nutrition 2023 | Dreiländertagung der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinische Ernährung (AKE), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) und der Gesellschaft für Klinische Ernährung der Schweiz“ (GESKES), 1.-3. Juni 2023, Bregenz. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 2023; 48(03): E3. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1768087.

  • Wirnitzer KC, Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Hoppichler F (2023) From Science 2 School – Österreichweite Schulstudie zum Zusammenhang von pflanzlichen Ernährungsformen und Bewegungsverhalten bei Sekundarstufenpädagog*innen. Poster. Nutrition 2023 | Dreiländertagung der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinische Ernährung (AKE), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) und der Gesellschaft für Klinische Ernährung der Schweiz“ (GESKES), 1.-3. Juni 2023, Bregenz.

  • Bhardwaj J, Schätzer M, Hoppichler F, Wirnitzer KC (2023) From Science 2 School – Österreichweite Schulstudie zum Zusammenhang von pflanzlichen Ernährungsformen und Bewegungsverhalten unter Sekundarstufenschüler*innen. Poster. ÖGPH – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health, 25.-26. Mai 2023, St. Pölten

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer KC (2023). Wellbeing in School? Reflections from a health-focused PhD project within a nationwide school study based on behavior in Austria. ITS Volda –International Student Conference. 25. April, 2023, Volda, Norway.

  • Tanous DR, Ruedl G, Kirschner W, Drenowatz C, Craddock J, Rosemann T, Wirnitzer K. (2022). School health programs of physical education and/or diet among pupils of primary and secondary school levels I and II linked to body mass index: A systematic review protocol within the project From Science 2 School. PLoS One, 17 (10): e0275012. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275012.
  • Wirnitzer KC, Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Göbel G, Wirnitzer G, Drenowatz C, Ruedl G, Cocca A, Kirschner W (2022) Study protocol of “From Science 2 School”—prevalence of sports and physical exercise linked to omnivorous, vegetarian and vegan, diets among Austrian secondary schools. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2022.967915.

  • Jones P, Wirnitzer K (2022) Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022; e000254. doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000254.

  • Wirnitzer, K.C.; Drenowatz, C.; Cocca, A.; Tanous, D.R.; Motevalli, M.; Wirnitzer, G.; Schätzer, M.; Ruedl, G.; Kirschner, W. (2022). Health behaviors of Austrian Secondary School Teachers and Principals at a Glance: First Results of the From Science 2 School Study Focusing on Sports Linked to Mixed, Vegetarian, and Vegan Diets. Nutrients 2022, 14(5), 1065;

  • Tanous DR (2022) There is a huge major elephant in the room today: People are unhealthy! Edu Science Slam, Tuesday, 22. February 2022, 19-20.30 pm. DACH-Nachwuchsakademie, 21.-25. February 2022:

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2022) First Results of From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. Survey of health behaviors, including physical activity, sports, and exercise linked with vegetarian diet prevalence, among Austrian pupils, teachers, and principals of secondary levels I and II. Session: Präsentationen – Geistige- und körperliche Gesundheit von Schüler:innen, Lehrer:innen und Student:innen, Monday, 21. February 2022, 11-12.30 am. DACH-Nachwuchsakademie, 21.-25. February 2022:

  • Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer K (2022). Sex Differences in Health Behaviors of Austrian Teachers and School Principals. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7(2):;

  • Motevalli M, Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2022). Sex Differences in Health Behaviors of Austrian Teachers and School Principals. International Collaboration Conference on Population Health and Wellbeing Research. “Schools and Education”, 10. February 2022.

  • Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer K (2022). From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. Current trends of diet (mixed, vegetarian, vegan) related to body mass index among teachers and principals at Austrian secondary schools I and II. International Collaboration Conference on Population Health and Wellbeing Research. Poster, Workshop “Schools and Education”, 10. February 2022.

  • Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer K (2022). From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. Diet trends (mixed, vegetarian, vegan) related to body mass index and sex differences among teachers and principals at Austrian secondary schools I and II. International Collaboration Conference on Population Health and Wellbeing Research. Presentation, Workshop “Schools and Education”, 10. February 2022.

  • Wirnitzer, K.C.; Drenowatz, C.; Cocca, A.; Tanous, D.R.; Motevalli, M.;Wirnitzer, G.; Schätzer, M.; Ruedl, G.; Kirschner, W. (2021). Health Behaviors of Austrian Secondary Level Pupils at a Glance: First Results of the From Science 2 School Study Focusing on Sports Linked to Mixed, Vegetarian, and Vegan Diets. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(23), 12782.

  • Wirnitzer K, Knitel D (2021). Stay Healthy in SARS‐CoV‐2 Times of Crisis – Dual Health Approach as a Minimal Recommendation. An e‐learning contribution based on smartphone and Zoom. Innovatives, interdisziplinäres, lehrveranstaltungs‐, modul‐, instituts‐ und hochschulübergreifendes Lehre‐Projekt für das Abschlusssemester der PH Tirol im Schwerpunkt „Bewegung, Sport & Gesundheit“. Atlas der Guten Lehre. Das Beispiel wurde für den Ars Docendi Staatspreis für exzellente Lehre 2021 nominiert. Online unter (3. 12. 2021);;

  • Wirnitzer KC, Thangavelu M (11/2021) Sustainably Healthy, Active & Veggy. Prevalence of vegetarians and vegans in Austrian pupils, teachers of secondary level. Session Lifestyle Medicine. ECIM – European Congress for Integrative Medicine. Live-Online: 4-7 November 2021. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 48, December 2021, 101920: 14. Available online (24.1.2022): and

  • Wirnitzer KC (4.11.2021) First Results from the “Sustainably Healthy, Active & Veggy” Study. Session Lifestyle Medicine. ECIM – European Congress for Integrative Medicine. Live-Online: 4 November 2021.

  • Martinz J, Tanous D, Gregori M, Wirnitzer K (2021). Schulgesundheitsprogramme für die Primarstufe. Ein systematisches Review für Österreich. Ernährung im Fokus 03/2021, Zeitschrift für Fach-, Lehr- und Beratungskräfte, BZfE. Schwerpunktheft „Kita- und Schulverpflegung“, Prävention & Therapie: 236-240.

  • Wirnitzer K (2021). Nachhaltig gesund – Vegane Ernährung in Bewegung und Sport. Übersichtsartikel. Fachzeitschrift Bewegung & Sport, Heft 3, Schwerpunkt Ernährung & Sport: 27-34.

  • Tanous DR, Wirnitzer K (2021). From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. First Results from the survey of the prevalence of vegetarian & vegan diets linked to sports & PA among Austrian pupils of secondary levels I and II. Poster Session, Hall D – Winner Poster Award. Saturday, Sept 11th, 2021. World Health Congress 2021 Prague, September 10-12, 2021. and Press: and

  • Wirnitzer K (2021). Vegan Diet in Health and Sports: Benefits and Advantages to Young People and Athletes – Lessons to be learned from a Dual Approach to improve the Health of Nations. Keynote Talk. Saturday, Sept 11th, 2021; online video:; World Health Congress 2021 Prague, September 10-12, 2021. and

  • Motevalli M, Drenowatz C, Tanous DR, Khan NA, Wirnitzer K (2021). Management of Childhood Obesity—Time to Shift from Generalized to Personalized Intervention Strategies. Nutrients 2021, 13(4), 1200; Open Access:

  • Wirnitzer K, Drenowatz C, Kirschner W, Tanous D, Rosemann T (2020). International Research & Knowledge Exchange for Addressing Today’s Global Health Paradox. Frontiers in Public Health. Event Abstracts. ISBN: 978-2-88966-537-2. DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88966-537-2.

  • Wirnitzer KC (2020). Vegan Diet in Sports and Exercise. Health Benefits and Advantages to Athletes and Physically Active People. A Narrative Review. Int J Sports Exerc Med 2020, 6(3):165. DOI: 10.23937/2469-5718/1510165. Open Access: and
  • Wirnitzer KC (2019). Vegan Diet in Health, Sports & Exercise: A dual approach for better public health – Lessons to be learned. 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON AYURVEDA, YOGA AND MEDITATION: Integrative health prevention approaches. 13. Dezember 2019, Medical University of Graz (MUG), Austria.

  • Wirnitzer K (2019). From Science 2 School: Nachhaltig gesund – bewegt & veggie. Forschungsskizze. transfer Forschung <> Schule, Heft 5, S. 241-243.

  • Wirnitzer KC (2019). From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. Survey of the prevalence of vegetarian diets linked to sports and physical exercise among Austrian pupils, teachers and principals of secondary level I and II. Poster Presentations, ICNM – International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine, July 26-27, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.

  • Wirnitzer KC (2019). From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy. Science transferred to healthy actons in the Austrian secondary school setting. Proceedings: 18. ICNM – International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine, July 25-27, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.



(alphabetical order)

Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung. Sektion I – Allgemeinbildung und Berufsbildung
Bildungsdirektion Burgenland
Bildungsdirektion Kärnten
Bildungsdirektion Niederösterreich
Bildungsdirektion Oberösterreich
Bildungsdirektion Salzburg
Bildungsdirektion Steiermark
Bildungsdirektion Tirol
Bildungsdirektion Vorarlberg
Bildungsdirektion Wien
Department für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Gesundheitsökonomie
FZ Medical Humanities – Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Sportwissenschaft – Universität Innsbruck
ITEG IT-Engineers GmbH
Academic Research Cluster in Tirol - Life & Health Sciences
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hypertensiologie
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (PHT)
Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung und Fachhochschulfinanzierung - Land Tirol


(alphabetical order)

Exercise and eating habits are key factors for good or poor health; their influence together is of crucial importance for the prevention or the development of chronic (so-called non-communicable) diseases.
If valid data can be utilized for school sports in Austria as an achievement of this research project, then it will be very important to think about and plan further improvements for the basic conditions of “health” at Austrian schools.

Oberrat VR Mag. Günther Apflauer, Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, Section I – General education and vocational training, Department 1/7 School and University sports, Vienna Austria
The present study can help to create a good empirical data basis in order to develop effective measures. The number of overweight and obese children and adolescents, which has been growing for years, is a cause for concern in many parts of the world - including Austria. One of the six global goals of the World Health Organization to be achieved by 2025 is that these numbers must not rise any further. This is precisely why projects that can help improve the eating and exercise behavior of children and adolescents are very important. The present study can help to create a good empirical data basis in order to develop effective measures.
Mag. Dr. Rosemarie Felder-Puig, MSc, Psychologist, health scientist, national head of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Studie, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
In our society, hypertension, overweight, and diabetes are diseases in three of every four people – lifestyle factors contribute to their creation. With a healthy diet and regular exercise from childhood, these diseases and their consequences on the heart, brain, and blood vessels can usually be prevented.
This school study makes an important contribution to raising awareness of healthy eating and exercise among pupils and parents.
Priv. Doz. OÄ. Dr. Sabine Perl, President of the Austrian Society for Hypertensiology, University Clinic for Internal Medicine Graz, Department of Cardiology, Graz Austria

The development of healthy eating and physical activity behaviour in childhood has a significant influence on our long-term health. In addition to evolutionary biological aspects and general imprinting, social influences play a central role in this development process. The school setting plays a special role in this process because children can be reached regardless of their family background. As a workplace and living environment, school is a place where specific framework conditions are created and educators can have a positive effect as confidants.
A great deal can be achieved here, especially in the area of nutrition and physical activity behaviour. With this study, valuable scientific data and insights can be gained in order to design health-promoting processes in an effect-oriented way and to support committed teachers, directorates and higher-level decision-makers.

Dr. Manuel Schätzer, Nutritionist, University Lecturer, SIPCAN – Initiative für ein gesundes Leben, Special Institute for Preventive Cardiology And Nutrition
For long-term health, a shift towards an essentially plant-based diet appears to be of big importance, both for the health of the individual and for global health. Therefore, the impact of a plant-based diet on the development of healthy and chronically ill children is an important goal of one of our research foci. We are interested in sustainable behavioural change in children and adolescents in the field of nutrition and the associated positive effects on child health.
Here, there is an interface of our research in children and adolescents with the Austrian School Study, which will provide important data on lifestyle from nutritional and physical activity behaviour of the large and in future highly promising population group of schoolchildren including their teachers and headmasters. The results will make an important contribution to raising awareness of the preventive potential of lifestyle factors already in childhood and adolescence and thus to be able to promote them in a targeted way.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Georg J. Seifert, Working Group Integrative Medicine in Paediatrics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Clinic for Paediatrics with a focus on Oncology and Haematology; University of São Paulo, Faculty of Medicine, Departamento de Pediatria, São Paulo, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Cardiovascular diseases together with cerebrovascular diseases were the most common causes of death for the Tyrolean population, about one of three deaths in 2018 was due to these diseases (Statistics Austria). Adjusting one’s lifestyle can prevent great suffering and enormous costs for the health system. We can sense the great potential of nutrition in the prevention of so-called non-communicable diseases. For example, when studying the Adventist Health Study II: Omnivores suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus almost twice as often as people who eat a purely plant-based diet. Physical activity and exercise also play an important role in the prevention of fatal diseases, but also for our mental health. Therefore, preventive measures should start in childhood. Valid data is essential for this. The study “Sustainably healthy - active & veggy” can make a priceless contribution here.

Dr. med. Simon Straub, Specialist in Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, specializing in pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Innsbruck University Clinics, Tyrol Clinics, Innsbruck, Austria

Diet and exercise affect the cardiovascular system, metabolism, musculoskeletal system and much more and are undoubtedly a priority for the prevention of diseases that have become endemic today.
This also applies to the treatment of diseases, but the following still applies: “Prevention is better than reversal”. And prevention begins in the womb.
There are studies that have already shown the relationship between diet and exercise and the diseases mentioned during pregnancy. Well structured studies of childhood on this topic-complex are rare. Therefore, the study “Sustainably healthy - active & veggie” is absolutely welcome.

Dr. med. Charlotte Wagner, Specialist in Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Innsbruck University Clinics, Tyrol Clinics, Innsbruck, Austria


Study Coordinator

Research Assistants
